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Today in Crypto: 46.5% of Web3 Fund Loss is Result of Traditional Web2 Security Issues, Investment in Blockchain Gaming Hits $1.5 Billion in 2023

Today in Crypto: 46.5% of Web3 Fund Loss is Result of Traditional Web2 Security Issues, Investment in Blockchain Gaming Hits $1.5 Billion in 2023 Get your daily, bite-sized digest of crypto and blockchain-related news – investigating the stories flying under the radar of today’s news. _ Security news While developers and researchers generally focus on designing and coding the smart contract protocol, 46.5% of all hacks in 2022 in monetary terms occurred via infrastructure, e.g. poor private key ...
Today in Crypto: 46.5% of Web3 Fund Loss is Result of Traditional Web2 Security Issues, Investment in Blockchain Gaming Hits $1.5 Billion in 2023

Ethereums muir glacier upgrade is live eth rises almost 4 in a week

Though only recently announced, Ethereum's (ETH) latest upgrade has been announced as a success, while the price of ETH is showing a rise in the last week. At the time of writing (11:15 UTC), ETH is trading at c. USD 130. It dropped 0.73% in the last 24 hours, but the price appreciated 3.6% in the week leading up to the Muir Glacier upgrade. In comparison, bitcoin (BTC) is down by almost 1% in a week, while majority of other coins among the top 10 advanced by 1%-12% in the past seven days. As wr...
Ethereums muir glacier upgrade is live eth rises almost 4 in a week
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